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Learn Cake Decorating Online

Imagine having a bunch of professional cake-decorating instructors and a big family of like-minded decorators just one click away!


Only have time to learn when your baby is asleep? Tempted to join the team of successful mumtepreneurs?  Want to use your lunch breaks in the office to learn a trade that allows you to quit your job and be your own boss?


Fancy learning from home, cuddling with your kids or puppy on the sofa? Want to save on travel cost and time? Dream of learning from famous overseas instructors from the comfort of your home or during your travels?

From The Best

Ever wished you could learn from award-winning cake decorators one on one? Now is your time to learn novel techniques directly from the top UK, Australian and International cake decorators! 

At Your Pace

You can rewind and rewatch the videos again and again, ask, comment, share, discuss anytime. No pressure to keep up with the group, but you always have support!

Best Sellers

Just Click to the image

Mirror Glaze & Patisserie Art

Isomalt & Chocolate Art

Gravity & Structure Cakes

Classics Shapes & Tiered Cakes

Carved Cakes


50% Complete

Two Step

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